Wednesday, August 1, 2012

For hypocrites

By Shimelis Mergia

"You hypocrites cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter,(like our Mom Mary who sanctified her body for the dwelling place of the true Wine Jesus Christ, if you follow her footstep,) the outside of you may be clean also.(Matt.23:26)She cleansed her inner soul and body, sothat, God the Word came and dwelt and born to her. because of this, she open her lips with praise "ነፍሴ ጌታን ታከብረዋለች መንፈሴም በአምላኬ በመድኀኒቴ ሐሴትን ታደርጋለች…. እነሆም ትውልድ ሁሉ ብፅዕት ይሉኛል ብርቱ የሆነ እርሱ በእኔ ታላቅ ነገርን አድርጎአልና ስሙም ቅዱስ ነው”